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This is a fascinating walk along Weymouth Beach in 360 degree surround video very recently published by on their Facebook page.

To view it you will most likely need to be on a desktop computer using Chrome or Firefox as your web browser, we checked out Facebook’s 36o video specs and it seems Internet Explorer and Safari aren’t supported. If you want to view on a mobile device try accessing their Facebook page direct it should work although we did have a few problems. When viewing the video use your mouse to change your perspective and look around. You can even get an overhead view of the video actually being shot which is quite fascinating.

360 Video seems to be quite a novelty at the moment although our guess is it needs to get a bit higher quality before it really takes off. Still hats off to Dorset County Council for making this available we’re sure there will be lots of folk who will enjoy this virtual walk along the beach.

For added realism view full screen, turn a fan on as close to your face as you can and flick water into your face from time to time ;-)