The weather forecast was dry and sunny and so was Weymouth when we descended upon it on the Friday, thank goodness we didn’t visit on the previous weekend as originally planned. So with the weather gods in our favour and with easels, paints brushes and pens packed a weekend of painting outside (plein air) was on the cards.
With no access to a seaside charabanc and the Weymouth road train not about; we arrived groups, some surveyed the town for scenic subjects whilst others were came via Hive Beach and Portland.
Saturday we swapped views. Some of us without their factor 50 on, preferred the cool shade of the park,whilst others completed their views of Weymouth harbour or were enticed to the stunning sights on Portland Bill.
Painting outside is fun, especially with so many subjects to choose from. But is has it’s challenges; paint drying too quickly, skin peeling to quickly, insects admiring your work on the canvas and in the paint, pine needles and grass cuttings on your palette. (This is called mixed media). As the day of painting drew to a close we met at Nothe Fort for cream teas.
That evening making sure we took on plenty of fluids to rehydrate we said farewell and thank you to Weymouth.
Many thanks to Martyn Dymott for this guest blog
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