Weymouth based professional photographer Ollie Taylor has won the 2015 Lovers of Light photo competition with his inspiring photograph ‘Durdle Door Starburst’.
Over 21,000 photographs were entered in the competition and the judges commented on the award winning photo saying “The photograph evoked powerful memories of childhood holidays and long summer nights for each of our judges.” They also praised the balance and composition of Ollie’s photo, commenting on how he used daylight to bring life to a deserted beach.
Ollie’s stunning picture of the Durdle Door coastal landmark in Dorset has been a labour of love for the professional photographer. You can only capture this exact shot during a specific three weeks of the year and Portland local Ollie has spent the last seven years trying to get the perfect picture. It was definitely worth the wait!
Ollie’s prize is a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Arctic Finland this summer, to experience the majesty of the midnight sun. So expect to see some stunning new images on his website later this year alongside the many superb images of Weymouth, Portland and the Jurassic coast on his website www.ollietaylorphotography.com
Ollie Taylor said: “I’m delighted that my photo has been chosen from so many impressive entries. Photography is my chosen career and a huge part of my life, so it’s especially heart-warming to see my work being appreciated by the experts. I can’t wait to jet off to Arctic Finland – it’s such an amazing prize, and a unique opportunity to experience a fascinating part of the world. The light so far north will make for some wonderful photos.”
Further reading:
- See the final ten images selected on the Daily Telegraph Website
- The Daylight Project winners announcement
- Ollie Taylors Website which features a wonderful selection of his outstanding creative images many taken at locations in and around Weymouth and Portland.
congratulations Ollie. Well done