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Weymouth & Portland Lions Club is encouraging as many Dorset residents as possible to participate in the Big December Dip to raise funds for causes close to their hearts.

With COVID-19 affecting the whole country, the much-loved Lions Christmas Day Swim has had to be postponed for 2020.  “We knew so many people would be disappointed that our Christmas Swim cannot take place this year, we wanted to come up with a great, fun idea which allows people to participate in a safe way,” said Ryan Hope, Lions President. 

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So how does it work?  “Anyone can enter – You might want to don your outfit and take a dip in the bath or the sea! – We are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s fun photos and videos!” said Lion, Julie Storey.

“We know many charities and particularly local ones, have struggled this year and this gives everyone an opportunity to raise much-needed funds for good causes, whilst staying safe.  Whilst we are encouraging Dorset residents to participate, anyone else in the UK, is welcome to take on the Big December Dip at any time throughout the Christmas month – after all many would come to our Xmas Day swim from the whole of the UK,” added Kevin Brookes, Lions’ President Elect.

Entrants are encouraged to dress up and think of imaginative dips, take photos and videos and share these to social media with the hashtag #bigdecemberdip.  To support the challenge, the Weymouth & Portland Lions Club is offering £50 to the person raising the most funds for their chosen charity and a further £50 to the entrant who takes the best photo or video for his or her charity.

“So what’s stopping you?”, said Lion Hilary Maxwell.  “It’s a great fun way to lift spirits at the end of a very difficult year. We can’t wait to see all the images and to help our fantastic community support their favourite charity.”

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