Community groups had until noon on Friday 31 May to submit their bids to the borough council. As more than one bid for leasing the Weymouth Pavilion Complex has been received the Council will be moving swiftly on with the next part of the procedure.
From Monday 3 June, a team of council officers from finance, property, legal and leisure and tourism will look through the bids and check that they are compliant with the tender requirements.
The council will then carry out a full evaluation of the compliant bids submitted, aiming to award a tender to the successful group by Friday 21 June.
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Tourism and Culture brief holder Cllr Ian Bruce said: “I have always been confident that there would be interest expressed in leasing the Weymouth Pavilion Complex and I am pleased that we have more than one bid to evaluate so we can determine what will be best for the Community and the future of the Pavilion. “After 21 June we will work with the not-for-profit group to make sure they are in a position to be able to open the Pavilion as soon as possible.”
In April Weymouth & Portland Borough Council invited not-for-profit organisations to come forward with proposals to lease the Weymouth Pavilion Complex as a means of reducing its overall expenditure and setting a balanced budget.
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