Senior citizens who live in the borough of Weymouth and Portland can still enjoy a seat on Weymouth beach for free. The deck chairs on Weymouth beach are free of charge to over 60s holding a deck chair pass which proves they live within the borough.
Cllr Ian Bruce, Weymouth & Portland Borough Council brief holder for Leisure and Culture said: “We’re proud to look after our senior citizens by offering free use of the deck chairs on Weymouth beach and have no plans to remove this local benefit. “Borough residents over the age of 60 used to be able to claim their seat simply by showing their bus pass, however since bus passes are now issued by the county council and longer display the Weymouth & Portland Borough Council logo, we have introduced a special residents’ deck chair pass which proves the holder is entitled to use a deck chair for free.” Residents’ deck chair passes can be claimed from the beach office on Weymouth Esplanade.
To claim a deck chair pass you will need to show your older person’s bus pass as proof of age as well as printed proof of address, for example a utility bill.
Aren’t Bus passes are for over 65s, but this says its for over 60s. Why can’t we use driving license that has all you need
You’d need to ask Weymouth Town Council about this but use of driving licenses seems quite logical
How about free deck chairs for our armed forces veterans
What a contradiction . Saying get a deckchair pass if you are over 60 and show your bus pass . I’m 62 dont have one . Confused
The post you are commenting on was published 11 years ago. The free deckchair pass scheme is still in place but would be worth your while checking out the requirements for obtaining one from Weymouth Town Council website