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A competition has been launched to celebrate the beauty of Weymouth and Portland’s parks and gardens.

People are being asked to go to their local park or garden, take a photograph and post it on Twitter or Instagram using either #loveweyportparks

The best snap, judged by Mayor of Weymouth & Portland Cllr Kevin Brookes, will be awarded £100. The competition will run until 30 September 2017.

Cllr Brookes said: “Our parks are beautiful, we are very lucky to have so many stunning public gardens and green spaces to walk, play and relax in. But how often do we find time to enjoy them?

“The aim of this competition is to get more people to enjoy the beautiful places on their doorstep. All you have to do is go to the park, send us a photo and you could win £100!

“We are also very lucky here in Weymouth and Portland to have so many dedicated volunteers and Friends Groups who work hard to help make our parks and gardens special places for so many to enjoy.”

There are 10 parks and gardens in Weymouth and Portland and they host a programme of community events including art exhibitions, park runs, concerts and outdoor shows. More details at

Cllr Kate Wheller, Community Facilities Briefholder at Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, said: “Weymouth and Portland’s award-winning parks and gardens are among the best in country. Enjoying them is free, so why not go to your local park, take a snap and you could win £100!”

There is one prize of £100 which will be awarded to the best photograph taken in one of the borough’s parks or gardens. Photographs can also be emailed in to or posted to Parks Photography Competition, South Walks House, Dorchester, DT1 1UZ.

Full details of the competition and the terms and conditions are available at