This year’s firework displays will take place on Monday 5, 12, and 26 August together with a further display on Weymouth Carnival Day on Wednesday 21 August. Each display will commence at 9.30pm and they are free to attend.
The first display of the season on Monday 5 August is the finale to the Dorset Festival of Sport and to mark the one year anniversary of when the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sailing events were held in Weymouth and Portland.
Organised by Weymouth & Portland Borough Council and presented by Pain’s Fireworks, the summer firework displays are one of Weymouth’s great iconic events of the summer season.
Weymouth Seafront offers a wonderful range of summer kiosks, attractions and entertainment. This special event regularly attracts crowds in excess of 20,000 people, who all enjoy a fun summers evening out with an exciting atmosphere to share with family and friends.
On every Monday firework night there will be a free entry £500 cash draw. Entry forms will be in the Dorset Echo or available on the evening from the draw table in Alexandra Gardens. Simply place your completed form in the competition box between 7pm and 9pm. The draw will be made over the seafront PA system at 9.20pm, shortly before the fireworks. This competition is supported by Alexandra Gardens, Dorset Echo, Wessex FM and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council.
Don’t miss out on some of the most exciting evenings in Weymouth and Portland’s events calendar.
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