We’ve been taking a look into our visitor stats over the past few weeks and have been really pleased to see that there are very few countries in the world from which we haven’t had visitors over the past few months.
So we thought why not do what we can to help those who don’t speak English get a better understanding of what Weymouth and Portland has to offer by making translations of our pages available in as many languages as possible.
Not being linguistic geniuses and having a limited budget the only practical option available to us was to enable machine translation provided by those nice people at Google. It’s probably not perfect but we figure that for those who speak no English it will still prove useful.
You will now find on the side bar on most of our pages a drop down list for selecting what language you want to read the page you are on in. Once selected hey presto you’ll get to view the details of up and coming events, places to stay and visit in around twenty different languages. Carry on browsing the site and it will all be in your chosen language until you decide to change it back to English.
We’re already working on a new improved version  which will be ready when we re-launch the site in a few weeks time but for now we hope some of you will find this useful.
You can give it a go now by selecting a different language from the drop down at the top of this page’s right hand column. If you have the time we’d love to get your comments on how useful this is just add them into the comments at the foot of this page …
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