Over recent years lots of work has been taking place throughout Weymouth on cycle ways with plenty of new paths being added. We’re really happy to say that with the joining up of these paths Weymouth now has a complete cycle way: The Jurassic Trails Cycle Way.
The Jurassic Trails Cycle Way gives cyclists, visitors and locals alike a great opportunity to take a round trip of around 17 miles starting at Overcombe, Preston and ending at Osprey Quay on Portland. In total it’s around a 2 hour cycle but with so many great locations to stop at on the way can easily be a full day out.
We caught up with Roy and Jackie of Jurassic Trails Cycle Hire who have been working on creating the trail the other day and they explained just how the new trails came about and what’s in store for cyclists now in the Weymouth area.
Route from weymouth to Preston and the east remains unsatisfactory. Weaving about on roads and crossing main road is not safe. We need the esplanade at Greenhill to be a dual use cycle/pedestrian route. This route is direct and flat. Route to Portland and rodwell trail are shared. Obviously mid summer cyclists would need to be considerate. However in early mornings and out of main season bikes should use the esplanade. Until this happens there is no proper cycle route.
We are working on a new project called the ‘Jurassic Cycle Trails’ please see our detailed description of rides from Overcombe Corner taking advantage of the new and improved cycleways – we will be updating them soon to reflect the brand new cycleway alongside Weymouth Way.
Jurassic Cycle Trails
Weymouth Trail – 8.5 miles | Portland Trail – 17 miles
Easy flat family friendly riding on numbered cycleways – Sustrans National Blue Cycle Signage
1 – Leave Overcombe Car Park TR onto Local Cycle Route (LCR) 7
2 – Follow LCR7 towards Lodmoor – TR then TL across Recycle Centre Road
3 – Stay on LCR7 to back of Sealife Centre & Lodmoor Country Park
Opportunity – To leave the trail and visit Lodmoor Country Park with Sealife Centre, Sandworld, Pitch n Putt, Adventure Golf, Leisure Ranch and facilities.
4 – At junction TR onto LCR4, keep right then left at the end across bridge
5 – Follow LCR4 to Manor Park & Ride, cross over at roundabout staying on LCR4 to Dorchester Road
6 – Cross Dorchester Road – quieter side of roundabout still easier crossed on foot – TL onto National Cycle Route(NCN)26 and immediately double back to join underpass
7 – TR out of underpass and right again to stay on NCN26 – follow signs through estate to Radipole Lane
8 – Follow NCN27 all the way to Westham Bridge (1.5 miles)
Opportunity – Spur off from the trail to visit Weymouth with its award winning beach and 17th century harbour – there are lots of eateries and attractions for all the family
9 – TR onto Westham Bridge – TR at the end – TL through underpass – TL up to road and join Rodwell Trail (NCN26)
10 – Stay on Rodwell Trail all the way to Ferrybridge (1.5 miles)
11 – Cross over Portland Beach Road at safe crossing TL staying on NCN26
Opportunity – At the Chesil Beach Wildlife Centre there is a unique chance to walk across the new boardwalk to Chesil Beach the jewel in the crown of the Jurassic Coast
12 – At the end of the NC26 TL into Osprey Quay
Opportunity – Osprey Quay is the home to many watersports activities, the National Sailing Academy (you may bump into one of our Olympic sailors in the cafe), Portland Marina with Harbour View Pub & Restaurant and close by English Heritage’s Portland Castle. A little further on from the Quay is Chesil with another chance to access the beach at Chesil Cove which also has a pub & restaurant – one of the best place’s in Weymouth & Portland to catch the sunset.
Sounds very nice and I’m tempted to bring my girlfriend who is a little nervous when road cycling to give it a try one day. It would be really helpful to have some PDF route maps to be able to print off and use as a reference on our visit to Weymouth – can you put them up on this site please?